Juliet Capulet


Juliet became an escort for more than simple financial gain. She had evolved into a sexual being and yet, those needs had been put on a shelf. Her journey one of self discovery and enjoyment. She speaks of the business side of escorting, such as the paying of taxes and medical visits, and the personal side as well. She approaches her current career with excitement and enthusiasm, as she talks about the feeling of opening the door for the first time to see just who is on the other side and how that alone is a sense of eroticism and pleasure. Juls is also the founder of a high end erotic theatre called Teatro Erotica. Reminiscent of Stanley Kubricks “Eyes Wide Shut”, Juls lets us film inside the house where a Teatro event is about to be held. We see all that goes into it and learn first hand what happens inside Teatro. When I asked the women to send me some talking points so that I could put together bios for each of them, Juls spoke so very loudly of who she is that I thought I’d include it as well. For more about Juls, check out her website at www.justjuls.com

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